About Lunar Linux daily ISOs

What is this site?

This is where you can download the very latest build of Lunar Linux. It’s built daily, unless something has gone wrong with the daily build.

Why are you doing this?

When I started doing regular builds of Lunar Linux a few years ago, it hadn’t had a new release in an appallingly long time. I wanted to make a custom installer with components not part of the base distribution, but in order to do that, first I had to build some install media.

It turns out that the install media build process had gotten dusty from lack of use. It took me quite a long time to actually get it to the point where I could build a new installer.

What are the daily ISOs?

The daily ISOs are a complete Lunar Linux installer, build entirely from source code, with a new one made every day. They contain the complete latest Lunar Linux core moonbase with all modules pre-built for your installing convenience.

What are the “future” ISOs?

The ISOs labeled “future” contain pull requests which have not yet been merged into the Lunar Linux core moonbase. They might not even work. Download them at your own risk! They’re mainly for the development team, to see what the results of the pull request will be.

The daily ISO download pages contain links to all of the currently-active pull requests merged into that particular ISO.